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Lions Make a Difference :60

Lions Make a Difference :60

In China, Lions Club International Foundation LCIF launched a ground breaking program to combat blindness.  "The world health federation formally announced that the Sight First China action would be a model for developing countries in preventing and curing blindness."  In five years, Lions restored sight to 2.1 million Chinese.  "I feel very excited.  Many thanks for doing the cataract extraction operation on me and enabling me to see the light."  Lions Sight First has saved and restored vision to millions of people worldwide.  Lions championed the needs of people and helped filled the voids that exist in communities around the world.  Lions make a difference.  Everyday.  Everywhere.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:10 )

General Eye Health

General Eye Health

Diabetics. Anyone over 60. African Americans and Hispanics over 40. We're all at risk for vision loss. Eye diseases can sneak up without symptoms. But these diseases can be treated and vision loss prevented, if they're caught in time. If you're in one of these risk groups or have a family history of eye disease, please have a dilated eye exam once a year. Don't lose sight of eye disease.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:11 )

Lions Make a Difference :30

Lions Make a Difference :30

Lions live where you do.  Lions care about the things you do.  Every Lions club -- a reflection of the community we serve.  Lions make a difference.  Meeting the needs of people and communities.  Everyday.  Everywhere.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:10 )

Get In Step with Your Community

Get In Step with Your Community

Did you know volunteering can be fun?! Community Service is for everyone! Young people, Families, Men, Women. As a volunteer you’ll. Help your community and Gain valuable skills; Network with others, Energize your life, Make an impact, and have fun! Get in step with your community. Volunteer. Visit: www.lionsclubs.org

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:12 )



How far would you go to keep your vision? Anyone with diabetes is at risk for vision loss. Diabetic eye diseases can sneak up without symptoms. But these diseases can be treated. And vision loss prevented. If they're caught with early screening. If you have diabetes, have a dilated eye exam once a year. It's an hour of your time and worth it. How far would you go to keep your vision?

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:11 )

President Jimmy Carter - Campaign SightFirst II

President Jimmy Carter - Campaign SightFirst II

In the next 60 seconds, twelve people in our world will go blind -- one of them a child. Hello, I'm Jimmy Carter. Experts predict in the next 15 years, the number of blind people could double to 75 million, yet 80% of blindness is preventable. Lions Club International has long been a champion of blindness prevention. I know, because I am a Lion. Since 1990, Lions Clubs have saved the vision of 24 million people in countless communities through the SightFirst program. Now, Lions have launched campaign SightFirst II to expand blindness prevention programs worldwide, and save the sight of 37 million more. Vision improves lives. We need your help. Support your local Lions club. Save sight through Campaign SightFirst II. Donate. Volunteer. Get involved. For more information, visit www.lionsclubs.org.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:10 )

We're There

We're There

In times of need... we're there. Developing communities, supporting young people, giving sight. We're there. Help use help others. Make a real difference. "Independence, freedom, Lions helped to make this possible for me. Join today. Serve. lionsclubs.org."

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:09 )